Jan 11, 2007

Pay more & get less

Last year I got an internet connection at home solely because I was fedup with websense at office :D. I started with Home250 (Rs.250/month) plan which had traffic limit of 400MB. And I, used to reach the limit within the first 5 days of the month! Bravo!
[Nevertheless, the connection had decent & consistent 30KB speed]

Since I wanted to experience the ‘always on’ feel with the unlimited volume freedom - I went for HomeUL900. And yes, I broke the shackles and made full use of what I had - linux distros, windows patches, softwares, movies, google tech talks, youtube videos, mp3s, online radio and most important of all - blogs (more about blogs later).

I was totally satisfied until BSNL upgraded the speed from 256kbps to 2mbps, for all plans but that of mine. what the hell… I have to pay more for a lesser speed?

If you want to do me a favour, please fill a pition here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/900ul/signatures.html.

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